Thursday, November 30, 2006

Je veux faire du shopping

I really really really want to go shopping. We've recently gotten paid, and although it's not that much money, it felt like freaking Christmas. Yesterday we went to Carrefour, the French equivalent to a Wal-Mart, but with an extensive cheese isle and a really good deli, fishmonger, and wine section. We bought as much stuff as we could carry, forgetting the esentials like any kind of protein or mineral water. We barely made it home with all our bags after having to take the bus, walk for 20 minutes, and be home on time for the electrician. Whew. Then, I went to get my hair cut at the coiffeur next door - it took an hour of waiting and 10 minutes of washing, cutting, and styling. I didn't mind really, cause I'm trying to grow my hair out, so I just needed it thinned, naturally it grows out all thick and weird. Now it looks like a combo of Jean Seaberg, young Mia Farrow, and Mireille Mathieu - not that classy, but boy-cut chic.
But back to shopping, I made a silly wish list for things that I want, and since it's my birthday and New Year's (fuck Christmas), I may just have to get this stuff:

1. kohl eyeliner (or liquid eyeliner)
2. black eyeshadow (I'm becoming a magician's assistant)
3. perfume (i love Kenzo, but also Alien, or the new Guerlain with the terrible title of Insolence - scratch that, I could never wear anything called Insolence)
4. a cardigan - a cute one please
5. those really faded grey jeans - I still want some though
6. fingerless gloves
7. black scarf - I may have to knit that
8. nice going out shoes that are comfy (see photo) - that might take the bulk of my shopping budget, but Andre or Beryl might be where I'd look.
9. long short sleeve t-shirt to wear under sweaters, I'm thinking metallic grey and maybe another one in pink or red.
10. headband - the one I got a month ago bent and now looks really strange, like I have a misshapen head, which I do not.
11. Fraiser season 6 or 7. I'm dying for this one. I just might have to buy it and have it shipped to a friend who then will bring it overseas.

All I can say is watch out H&M, I'm a-coming.

Oh and I've had to move from the old blog site because the old title was too much of a literary reference for me to handle. Seriously, who am I kidding? Salinger? So, now there's only one reference and it's a minor poetic one at that. Granted I feel a strong affiliation with the author, but it's one of the whishful thinking kind, a silent un-realistic admiration, and an affinity for all things intricate, romantic, and a bit out of touch.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm switching

I've decided to switch my blog, originally entitled Raise High the Roofbeam to this one, because I prefer it. There you are.